Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Breaking News from the United Nations

It has been said of me that I'm like the UN because I try to keep the peace between people and solve problems. My lovely parents taught me to have problem solving skills. Am I bragging? No. Heaven knows I'm far from perfect. I've had enough experiences to know I'm not.

This post may or may not hold some unpopular opinions. If you don't agree with what I have to say, then that's fine. I'm not looking for affirmation or agreement. I have a right to freedom of speech, and I'm going to use it. The UN (my brain) has been deliberating (thinking) about some things, and I've decided that I should make my voice heard.

Just so everyone is aware: I'm not special. I'm a missionary. Maybe you think this makes me special, but I do not think so. God is no respecter of persons. I am the same as a pastor, a minister, evangelist, music minister, Sunday School teacher, Bible study teacher, or anyone else in ministry. I just have a different job. I *love* my job. No, it's not easy. I left all my family and a church behind for a life in Finland. But you know what? That's ok. I love it here. And, I'm excited that I can share Jesus with other people.

This post is not supporting any political parties, factions, or anything the like. I am only presenting some solutions to common problems.

So, let's get down to business, shall we? Take a deep breath and relax. Here we go.

PROBLEM #1: Complaining about things, e.g., the government, the loggers, the Republicans, the Democrats, the pro-life people, the abortionists, gay marriage, the unions, the schools, world problems, the ecologists...
We've all complained about at least one of these things. We always complain loudest about what we don't agree with most. That's just the way humans are. We complain about the president, Lady Gaga, Congress, the new television show or movie, those Christmas presents that we didn't want, the restaurant that served our meal too slowly, reality television... the list goes on. People complain about EVERYTHING. However, this does not give us reason to do so. Yes, we can have opinions, but when we complain all the time, no one will want to be around us. Have you noticed that even animals don't like to be around an unhappy person? We need to learn how to use our opinions properly, therefore I give you....

THE SOLUTION: BURN your La-Z-Boy and DO something. I know, that's really hard. Those chairs are so comfortable. Ok, don't burn it if you don't want to, but don't complain. Complaining only makes people unhappy, including yourself. If you want to see something done, do it yourself. If you think you'd make a good president, then run. You won't get anywhere sitting around saying, "Well, if I was president, I'd do..." Get out there and make it happen! If you honestly wish something would change, then get out there and do it! Otherwise, nothing will get done. Healthy competition is good. Just don't hate. Please, don't hate. When I see hate, I want to go take a shower and stay there all day just to feel clean again. Hate carries such a terrible stench. Ok, going back on subject. If you have a dream of something that you'd like to see happen, then go do it. Otherwise, nothing will happen, and in your last days here on Earth, you'll wish you had done things differently. I know you can't stop your great-grandmother sending you those Christmas sweaters that are 3 sizes too large, and you have to still wear them when she comes over, but hey, appreciate it. She took the time to do it. You can always gently let her know that you "lost weight" and are 3 sizes smaller now, then offer to send her some new measurements. If you end up with a sweater that's still 3 sizes too large, appreciate it anyway. She loves you enough to do it. Are you musical and tired of the noise that is Lady Gaga? Start a band, make a recording! Tired of reality television? Sign petitions; do what you can to try to get it canceled. Restaurants? Well, maybe that waitress had a bad day. Sometimes, one needs to consider the other side of the situation, rather than their own. Congress? Run! If you think you can assist the country, then go for it. Just DO something!

PROBLEM #2: Selfish people
Oh, this is where it gets tricky. I should probably stop now. Should I? Hm... Maybe I should. SIKE (aka just kidding!)! I'm not going to. Nope. Sorry. Ok, now that we're out of our recliners, put your running shoes on, and let's take off. All people are selfish at least once in their life. That's a fact of human nature. We're selfish. We want things for ourselves. That's why we get the last of the mashed potatoes without asking if anyone would like anymore, ditch to get to the front of the line, or fight over $5 kitchen towels at WalMart on Black Friday. We are selfish. But, you know what? The more selfish you are, the more people will not want to help you or be around you. If you want to keep people around you, then let's look at...

THE SOLUTION: IGNORE yourself every once in a while and FOCUS on someone else. Share your coupons with that nice grandma that shops at the same grocery store as you. She's probably on a pension and doesn't have as much dough as you do. Have a friend in need? Instead of talking about how you NEED those shoes from Salamander, or that new PlayStation, stop and give your friend a hug and ask them if you can do anything. If you're not a hug-gy person, do something else to help that person feel like you want to help them. Offer to buy them a coffee, take them for pizza, have a Halo marathon, go over to their house and watch romances while sobbing into your ice cream... just set yourself aside for a little bit and then see how good it feels. Because it does. I love the feeling that comes when I help a friend in need. Knowing that I did something to help someone feel better gives one such an incredible feeling. A selfish person will never feel that. So, don't be selfish. Put others first. President John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." This applies with people, too.

PROBLEM #3: Society and its ability to convince us that we're not pretty enough
Ugh, society. I wish to trod down your gates and burn every Vogue magazine inside. Yes, the clothes are pretty. But, the images of the people are horrifying. Those images burn the concept into our mind that we're not pretty unless we're a size 2 (34), tall, thin, no acne, blonde hair, blue eyes, soft voice... and it brainwashes us. It even does that to men, not just women. That picture of a super-buff guy surrounded by "hot" women? There's probably a guy who isn't really muscular wishing that he could be like that, because that's how you get a "hot" girl. UM, NO. It's not. Yeah, a woman likes a guy to be good looking, but let your gentlemanly character shine forth, and you'll get the girl. You know why? Here's the secret: looks aren't everything. Did you hear that, Hollywood? 17 Magazine? Vogue? Looks aren't everything! Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly runs straight to the bone. What that quote means is that someone may be beautiful on the outside, but the inside could be horribly ugly. If one is beautiful, or handsome, on the inside, then that's all you need. You will be beautiful no matter what you look like. That's the key. Looks aren't everything.
Want to kill the brainwashing? Here's how...

THE SOLUTION: Burn your fashion magazines, get a new bf/gf if you have to, and be yourself.
There are videos right now on YouTube of impressionable young girls asking people if they are beautiful or ugly. And, there are people who are commenting and saying that they're either beautiful or ugly. This is wrong. These girls should be comfortable in their own skin. They shouldn't have to feel like they need to go ask complete strangers if they're beautiful or not. Ladies, go burn those fashion magazines and catalogues. Yes, every single one of them, especially the Victoria's Secret ones. I don't care if you're in the middle of the city and you'll get arrested for having an illegal bonfire. Do it anyway. Make a stand against society and their brainwashing techniques. Ladies, you are beautiful and unique in your own way. Remember, looks aren't everything. In the Bible, in the book of Proverbs, chapter 31, verses 10-31, it speaks of the virtuous woman. She is know by her character, not by her looks. Not once does it say that she was an incredibly beautiful person. It said that she was virtuous because of her character. You want to be beautiful? Start on the inside, and it will shine on the outside. And, if you're in a relationship with a guy that wants you to change who you are, or puts down your looks, then you need to get out of it. Any guy who you'd be in a relationship with needs to respect you and accept you for who you are, and if he doesn't, then he needs to be kicked to the curb. Same thing with you, guys. You don't have to be super buff for us to like you. Muscles ≠ Handsome. Remember your character, gentlemen. And, if you're in a relationship with a girl who berates on your looks and wants you to change who you are, get out of that relationship. You deserve respect just as much as women do.

Ok, everybody, to recap: Burn all your fashion and workout magazines. Reevaluate your relationship, and if your SO expects you to change your looks or says you're not pretty/handsome enough, kick them to the curb. It's emotional abuse, and no one deserves that kind of treatment. Also, be yourself. If you need to not step into a clothing store for weeks to feel comfortable about yourself, do it. Be happy with yourself. Read Proverbs 31 every day, and look in the mirror every day and tell yourself, "I am beautiful just the way I am." Work to let your character shine through, and talk to your friends and ask them to help support you while you do this. If they want to get on the bandwagon, give them support, and help them feel better about themselves. Psalm 139:14 says: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." God made you the way you are; you're a masterpiece. Treat yourself like one.

Well, this UN session is concluded. I hope to have shed some light on some solutions that can make this world a better place. Have a lovely day, everyone! :)

 "Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."


  1. You ROCK, Candace! Outstanding thoughts and views on human condition. And, simply profound solutions. If people will hear-the world WOULD be a better place.
    Peace, Love and Blessings

    1. Candace

      I appreciate your candid remarks, thoughts and viewpoint - I never did like people to 'beat around the bush' and you certainly have not done that but you got straight to the point and made it clear. Keep up the good work and continue writing to impact this generation.
