Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Motley & Company

My friend, Alyssa, is opening an store! While this sort of thing isn't something I would normally blog about, my friend is special. And her reason for having this online store is special as well.

Alyssa has worked very hard for the past 3+ years to help supply money for UPCI global missionaries to have automobiles. All of the money which she has raised goes to a project called "Sheaves For Christ." You can read about it here. I don't even know all of the tactics that she's used, but I know she's made so many scarves and done everything that she could to make her goal. She has done so well, and raised so much money, that she has won the "Real McCoy" contest held by the UPCI General Youth Division multiple times. You can read about it here. This gal is special, and she has done so much to help us missionaries while we're out here on the field.

Why am I writing about this? I am so glad that you asked! Alyssa's store, Motley & Company, is going to be her venue for raising these funds for missionaries. She's going to have bags, purses, scarves... so many amazing and stylish handmade items for a great price. The profits will go towards "Sheaves for Christ" to help us missionaries. God has blessed her efforts, and I know that if you'll help out, He'll bless yours, too. Her shop opens on February 1st, 2013. So, please, stop by the store on opening day! And, if you could help Alyssa out by telling your friends and family about it, it would be such an amazing thing!
Motley & Company's Facebook

Thank you so much, and have a lovely day!

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